Contact me

If you are interested in my work, please feel free to get in touch.


You can email me at (No, I’m not at Queen’s University Belfast any more, but yes, that should reach me!) You can also reach me at; this is the email that you should use if you’re contacting me for Loughborough-related reasons (e.g., you are a current or prospective Loughborough student).

Elsewhere on the Internet

I upload research papers to my account, and have pages on the Loughborough University website. My ORCID is 0000-0003-0638-8555, and I have pages on PhilPeople (formerly PhilPapers) and Google Scholar. I edit Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects) under the username J Milburn, but I’m not as active as I used to be. I have a personal Facebook profile, but generally do not accept friend requests from people I don’t know or my current students (please don’t be offended). But I’m very happy to connect on Instagram (I’m @aveganphilosopher), on Twitter/X (I’m @JoshLMilburn), or Bluesky (I’m Twitter/X and Bluesky are mostly research-related; Instagram is a mix of research and other things I like (like food, gardening, books, wildlife, boardgames, and similar).